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I-Stat Cardiac Troponin I - C/Chain

$930.77 inc. GST

Measurements of cardiac troponin I are used in the diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction and as an aid in the risk stratification of patients with acute coronary syndromes with respect to their relative risk of mortality.

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The cTnI Cartridge, used with the i-STAT 1 analyser, utilises biosensor technology and advanced micro fluidics to provide in vitro quantitative determinations of the following:

  • cTnI (Troponin I)

Sample size - 17µl

Sample type;

Heparinised whole blood or plasma samples collected in syringes or evacuated tubes containing lithium or sodium heparin, or

Non-heparinised whole blood samples tested within one minute of drawing from a patient into a plastic syringe or plastic evacuated tube containing no additives.